Climbing the Ranks

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Climbing the Ranks Cover

Tower of God meets Solo Leveling in a LitRPG Cultivation Epic

When the Towers arrived, without warning, without communication of intent or indication of reasoning, chaos ensued. Hundreds of Towers, scattered across the globe without logic or explanation.

Decades later, enchantments from the Tower and mana cores from the creatures within power the most advanced technologies in the real world. What was once a puzzling mystery has become a necessary part of economic growth.

For Arthur Chua, the Malaysian Beginner Tower has always been his objective. Climbing the Tower is the only form of escape available for one without money or connections. He's not looking to be a hero or famous, just a survivor.

Fate, on the other hand, has other plans for him. At long last, the reason for the arrival of the Towers will be revealed, and humanity will once again experience a seismic shift when the truth appears.

Of course, Arthur's going to have to survive long enough for that to happen...

Climbing the Ranks is a serial LitRPG cultivation novel by Tao Wong published serially on Starlit Publishing. While the whole novel will be free to read, you can now purchase a membership to receive chapters weeks in advance of the public release.

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Tower Two of Climbing the Ranks - A Cultivation LitRPG SerialTower Two for $10/month to read 8 weeks of advanced chapters.


  • Chapter 234

    Chapter 234

    He swam for a few strokes, pulled himself along some roots and dragged himself out of line of sight. It wouldn’t do much to truly hide him, but it helped...

    Chapter 234

    He swam for a few strokes, pulled himself along some roots and dragged himself out of line of sight. It wouldn’t do much to truly hide him, but it helped...

  • Chapter 233

    Chapter 233

    Spitting to the side, Arthur groaned as tired muscles ached as he cut open the next leech. The problem with being successful at killing a horde of these creatures was...

    Chapter 233

    Spitting to the side, Arthur groaned as tired muscles ached as he cut open the next leech. The problem with being successful at killing a horde of these creatures was...

  • Chapter 232

    Chapter 232

    Arthur took to the marshlands by himself, no Yao Jing, none of his other teammates. They were still working on learning the Seven Cloud Stepping technique and couldn’t be bothered....

    Chapter 232

    Arthur took to the marshlands by himself, no Yao Jing, none of his other teammates. They were still working on learning the Seven Cloud Stepping technique and couldn’t be bothered....

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