Chapter 334

Chapter 334

Their attackers emerged from the long grass, unleashing a series of ranged attacks meant to kill and cripple. Uswah, their rogue, was targeted by a pair of crossbow bolts that tore through the shadowed form. A pair of Mana Darts flew through the air, a last minute twist saving him from one. The other struck him in the side, throwing him dangerously close to the creature's mouth. It clamped down hard, powerful teeth skittering off his pauldron and tearing into the skin of his upper arm as it missed him by a hair, still unable to see properly.

More attacks landed, but Arthur was shouting now.

"RELEASE!" Arthur called, pushing himself away from the creature as he threw himself into a roll away from the body, headed for the back feet. Yao Jing backed off too, even as the lights shifted, giving unimpaired glimpse down one way. At the same time, the bindings around its back feet disappeared. 

Freed, the monster's automatic reaction was to leap away. It did so in the only direction it could see, bunched feet sending it a dozen feet away. It didn't stop, jumping again as the lights disappeared entirely, allowing it to see fully ahead. Allowed it to spot the pair of crouching ambushers, desperately attempting to reload their crossbows.

"Reform!" Arthur shouted again, a hand coming up at the last moment to block the Mana Dart that flew at his head. He felt his hand slam into his face, throw him back. He coughed and spat, feeling the burns and the wash of Tower energy riot through him and his aura, even as tried to shift to join the group.

Only to find something wrong with his leg. He couldn't tell what, didn't dare glance down, but his left leg didn't want to work anymore, some attack somehow slipping in to do the damage in the chaos of the battle. Maybe one of those lashing tails?

"Reform," he kept shouting, eyed narrowed as he discarded the Imbued Strike and began weaving Bark Skin. Without mobility, he was stuck on the defensive. And while he'd love to return fire, he seemed to be the target of at least three of the attackers now, which meant dodging and weaving as best he could with his gimpy leg was the best.

Luckily, Mana Darts were neither as fast as the Refined Energy Dart or actual bullets. They were dodgeable, so long as he spotted them. And he wasn't entirely hemmed in. When he couldn't, his armour helped defray the damage, though it was like getting punched by a three hundred pound boxer.

He'd done that for training. Once. It had not been fun.

No bark of the shotgun. He hoped Rick was okay. They had expected the attack, planned for it over the nights. Knew that the ranged attackers, himself and Uswah were likely the targets. Casey had her own methods of protection, including Lam who had somehow managed to teleport himself in front of the pair who were now charging her. But Rick, he had nothing but guts and some armour.

Another larger Mana Dart was building out there. He saw it fire towards him and rather than risk taking the shot, he threw himself to the ground hard. He whoomphed as air was driven from his own body, forcing him to roll to keep moving. It didn't take long for the rest of his team to arrive, the group returning fire at last as their attackers closed in. 

Ranged attacks were great, but they rarely ended a fight. Which was why their attackers came with parangs and swords and spears, ready to beat them down.

One last moment, propping himself up with one hand and the spear in hand. Arthur readied himself for the fight, taking in the attackers and somehow, not surprised by what he saw.

Then, their enemy was on them, and it was once again chaos.




A last minute lean, a yank sideways with spear dragged it out of his opponent's chest, tearing it open. He caught the descending parang on his bracer, angling his arm to let it glance off even as he felt the jarring shuddering pain as lightning sparked down his arm, making his arm senseless for a second. 

Even with an open chest wound, his opponent was not dropping. Arthur had only one hand, so he fell back, spinning as he built up momentum with his spear with one hand, using his initial movement to send it towards his opponent's leg. It forced the man to hop upwards, to dodge the strike rather than follow and gave Arthur time to regain control. He kept spinning, going through a combined staff and spear routine to create a zone that kept his attackers off him.

Their initial tight formation had broken up after a minute of fighting. Their opponents were good, smart enough to peel off individuals as they fought. Strong enough that individuals could overwhelm one-on-one at times, forcing his team to gang up when possible. Unfortunately for Arthur, they'd peeled his own bodyguards off such that he was forced to battle this man alone.

If not for his greater skill and armour, he would have lost already. The other was faster, stronger, tougher than him. Numerous cuts from the parang had dug into him, leaving trailing wounds on parts uncovered by his armour. The damn thing was getting a workout, but it was the cumulative effect of the shocking energy that was causing Arthur the biggest problem.

Bark Skin, surprisingly, was doing a good job at helping ameliorate the arcing energy. It helped him shed the attacks, and the passive healing of his other skill boosted his recovery rates such that within a few moments, he managed to pick up his spear with his other hand. It didn't stop his opponent from landing a stomp kick to his upper thigh though, leaving him leaning precariously to one side.

Too damn fast, his opponent. He hadn't even seen the leg come up as he finished blocking the parang with his spinning shaft. If he could activate his Imbued Strike, he could do the same - layer a debuff on the other. But dropping his Bark Skin to add the other was impossible. 

Which left him with very few options but an old trick.

Arthur made the decision shortly, waiting for the right time. It didn't take long, after blocking two strikes including one that nearly cut off a finger or two. An overhead chop that he caught on the haft of his spear, a twist that put the parang into a bind that his opponent accepted. All to get in, to let the lightning arc into him.

Nearly face-to-face, he released the Refined Energy Darth he'd built up. 

Watched as his opponent jerk away, moving so fast that he dodged the first attack and using that motion to grip Arthur's own arm, to begin a twist and throw.

Shuddering with the lightning coursing through him, Arthur lowered his gaze and head just a little as he was turned and released the second Refined Energy Dart from his Pocket Simpanan. It tore through the throat, just under the adam's apple of his opponent where no gorget or armor protected them.

Left them staggering back, head half-hanging on.

Unfortunately, Arthur was on the ground too, unable to follow up. Hurting too much and his limbs, his body no longer under his control. Heart beating erratically, his breathing short and pained.

A few moments, all that he could afford before he pushed himself up, finding his opponent finally dead and bleeding out. And the rest of the fight...

Well, not over; but mostly done.

Pushing himself up, pulling his spear to him, Arthur started building his Refined Energy Dart again as he staggered over to help. He had friends to check on.

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Climbing the Ranks is a LitRPG cultivation novel by Tao Wong that publishes serially on Starlit Publishing. While the whole novel will be free to read, you can purchase a membership to receive chapters weeks in advance of the public release.

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