If you've recently noticed that A Thousand Li: The First Step has disappeared from your Audible library, here's why: our licensing contract with Tantor, the original audiobook producer, has expired, and we have now acquired the rights to the audiobook.
Due to this change, the version previously provided by Tantor and the new version currently on Audible are considered different, even though the content remains the same. Consequently, your original copy was removed from your library.
But don't worry! You have options. If you reach out to Audible's support team, they can either refund the credit you used to purchase the Tantor version or provide you with the new version owned by us.
Please note that the same process will occur for Books 2 and 3 in the series when our contracts with Tantor expire over the next two years. Books 4 and beyond will remain unchanged, as they were produced in house.
We understand that this might be an inconvenience, and we appreciate your patience and understanding as we make this transition. Our goal is to ensure that you continue to enjoy the A Thousand Li series without interruption.
Thank you for your continued support, and we hope you enjoy listening to the new version!