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Tao Wong

Marketing Strategy for Authors

Marketing Strategy for Authors

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Marketing Strategy for Authors is designed to illuminate the process of developing a marketing strategy as an author in the 21st century. It provides a high level, strategic overview of the components of a comprehensive marketing plan that is flexible, focused and uniquely tailored to an author’s writing career.

Organized into a simple and easy-to-understand format, it covers the 4 Ps of Marketing while providing helpful examples and relevant practical applications of marketing theorems. Whether you’re a new author or an established indie author, the book offers insight into the theoretical underpinnings of a winning marketing strategy.

Tao Wong is a bestselling independent author of the science fiction and fantasy series the System Apocalypse and A Thousand Li. He has a MSc in Marketing from the University of Manchester and over two decades of marketing experience as a marketing manager and an independent business owner.

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