Climbing the Ranks - A Tower-Climbing LitRPG Cultivation Serial

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Climbing the Ranks Chapters

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Moonlight. Travel through the night was dangerous, and not because of the lack of illumination. The Tower’s first floor had not one but three moons, each providing sufficient illumination. At...

Chapter 19

Moonlight. Travel through the night was dangerous, and not because of the lack of illumination. The Tower’s first floor had not one but three moons, each providing sufficient illumination. At...

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Days passed, with Arthur snatching quick moments of rest late in the evening, cultivating the various cores he acquired during the day. He headed for the looming mountains he noticed...

Chapter 18

Days passed, with Arthur snatching quick moments of rest late in the evening, cultivating the various cores he acquired during the day. He headed for the looming mountains he noticed...

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

When he woke, he woke to a new world, one that he had never seen before. Everything was brighter, sharper than ever before. Paradoxically he did not need to squint,...

Chapter 17

When he woke, he woke to a new world, one that he had never seen before. Everything was brighter, sharper than ever before. Paradoxically he did not need to squint,...

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Releasing his feet, Arthur dropped to the ground, staring at the crystals that littered the area. He grabbed his staff as he looked around carefully. Amidst the corpses that were...

Chapter 16

Releasing his feet, Arthur dropped to the ground, staring at the crystals that littered the area. He grabbed his staff as he looked around carefully. Amidst the corpses that were...

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Arthur’s eyes grew wide as he poked his head around the tree. The sight before him was enough to chill any foolhardy thoughts about taking on the monster he had...

Chapter 15

Arthur’s eyes grew wide as he poked his head around the tree. The sight before him was enough to chill any foolhardy thoughts about taking on the monster he had...

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

“Monsters, monsters, where are you? I’m here to stab you dead and dance on your corpse . . .” Arthur sung as he walked through the woods. Of course, he...

Chapter 14

“Monsters, monsters, where are you? I’m here to stab you dead and dance on your corpse . . .” Arthur sung as he walked through the woods. Of course, he...