Kategorie: Patrick Zeller

A husband and father of two, Patrick Zeller has been acting professionally on stage, screen, or in front of a mic for over twenty-five years. He holds a BFA in acting from Emerson College, where he trained under voice guru Kristin Linklater, and an MFA in classical theater from The-Old-Globe-and-University-of-San-Diego-Shiley-Graduate-Theatre-Program (they don't give you the degree until you can say it all in one breath).

Patrick cowrote and stars in a hilarious web series about stay at home dads, Packed, available on Roku. He has the distinct pleasure of playing trouble maker Joey Novak on General Hospital, and has picked up multiple SOVAS for his work as Major DeLancie in T. J. London's Rebels and Redcoats Saga. As long as he's listening to or telling stories, he's happy.