Magic Kingdom at War
Magic Kingdom at War Volume 6
Magic Kingdom at War Volume 6
Narrated by: Neil Hellegers
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Read an Excerpt of Magic Kingdom at War Volume 6
Read an Excerpt of Magic Kingdom at War Volume 6
=Chapter 1=
The morning after he lost his third village dawned bright and cheery, which was entirely at odds with the way Matt felt. Which in a way was rather comforting to him. After all the mess that had happened, after all the setbacks and literally being killed to be entered into this game, the world not at all co-operating with his mood or his sense of the dramatic was perfectly appropriate to him.
Not that there had ever been a huge amount of variation in the weather. So far, if not for the fact that he was fighting for his life and the lives of all of humanity, it would have been rather idyllic living here. Sure, there were days of rain and thunder and lightning, but Matt thought he would rather miss it if there weren’t. And the rain was never the day or month-long event that happened occasionally in places that were as cursed as Raincouver or the Emerald Isles.
After making his way upwards to his tower following his usual basics of breakfast – a breakfast that still lacked coffee – Matt sat down in front of the hovering, futuristic holographic – or magical, take your poison – map of the hex world that made up his kingdom and got to thinking. Because after getting his ass kicked and outmaneuvered, he was all too ready to get his own back.
If he could work out how to scrounge up the necessary forces, that was.
Global Status Report
Day 93 (Start of Day)
Pooled Gold: 127.25 (+68 Gold per day)
Total Units: 7 Woodlings, 7 Firecracker Flowers, 2 Saakal, 7 Harpies, 4 Harpy Archers
Cooldown: Burst Production (4/10), Spell Casting (1/7)
It looked at first glance like a powerful army. The problem was with that army being scattered across multiple hexes, three towns, and two villages. His most powerful army was up north with Braskar and Lasya, the second most powerful army – his only remaining sole army, not singular units – was further south and on the way to relieve a newly destroyed village with Azimma, the harpy Scout, leading it.
He now had to decide what else he would do, how he was going to take his village back and keep it. There was some good news though…
“I figure our enemy only has one town so far. Or the towns are scattered or low enough on units that the second unit type is being kept to guard the second or third town if they have them,” Matt said, staring at the map. There were clues hidden in the battle, clues about the fight he was facing that he intended to tease out.
“That is certainly an assumption,” Yiis, the former harpy queen, former enemy, and now vassal and ally, answered him through the floating portrait and magical voice channel that made up their major form of communication.
“You think it’s wrong?”
“It’s possible that they are holding units back because their other units are more suited for defense,” Yiis offered.
“Oh. Something slow and ponderous?” Matt said softly.
“Perhaps those earth elementals you mentioned, my lord,” Braskar, the orc Warlord, rumbled. “They certainly would fit that description. Other slow-moving attackers would be the same.” He hesitated, then added, “Do you think we should adjust our force balance? We do not need so many units up north at this time.”
“It’s why we’re here, but let’s take things one step at a time,” Matt said, waving a hand at the table again. “I want to work out their goals and what they can do, and then we can respond. From what I can see, we’ve got a powerful cavalry unit that has upgraded their town to create their basic unit, their ranged units, and a heavy unit – much like we had the option to do but failed at. Which means they’re much further along in building units.”
“True,” Braskar rumbled. “Especially with the loss of the Horse Farm.”
“Exactly. They must have a second village out there that gives them the Horse Farm. Or their main fort is already located such that they have access to the horses,” Matt added. “I’m leaning towards a second village though, just because it’ll line up better with the amount of gold they have.”
“And you believe they have a single town.”
“I’m hoping they do. They haven’t revealed another type of unit yet.” Matt bit his lip and added, “Neither have we, though that’s going to happen soon.”
“Unless we don’t?” Braskar said doubtfully.
“No. I don’t think we want to keep Azimma off the battlefield. We need him and the faster units to run the cavalry down or else they’ll always be beating us.”
“I look forward to bloodying my claws,” Azimma said. The wild-looking harpy grinned widely. Teeth – too many canines and a little too pointed – showed as he spoke.
“Can he even win?” Yiis asked, ignoring the affronted and hurt look Azimma shot his queen.
“That’s the other question, isn’t it?” Matt said, but he waved his hand, dismissing the topic again. He tapped the map and the two armies he knew of, though one had darkened away and disappeared as the village was no longer under his control.
“Will they keep their pinning army there? Or are they going to join up?” Matt asked out loud. “And will they keep their main army in the village or will they leave? What are their options?”
“Stay, strike the village, and whittle you down further while exploring the entirety of our domain or strike at the heart.” Braskar ticked his fingers off. Before he could be asked, he continued, “I would keep their present split of forces, send the cavalry down the road, take your second village, and continue to explore with that army. Pulling away only when it is clear you’re ready to fight.”
“Keep me pinned and wear me down, eh?” Matt muttered. “A good choice, but why not try for my main fort?”
“They do not know where it is.” Yiis gestured at the map. “It was the same reason you spent so long to find mine. The roads offer guidance, yes, but they do not indicate distance. If they grouped together and followed the roads, they’d locate either the village or your fort first. In either case, they would still have to decide on where to go.”
“Still, they could come here.”
“And how well did the battle with the cavalry raiders go? That other time you fought?” Braskar asked. “Cavalry do little good in a siege, and while this game might have altered things a little, I do not believe it has altered it that much. They would suffer significant casualties even attempting an attack.”
“But they could try to pin me with the bigger force.”
“You also have demonstrated, as you have noted, a second town. A single pinning force might not be enough,” Braskar pointed out. “And was it not you who mentioned that every party has a limitation? In forces and numbers?”
“Ah… in gold production and timing, yes.” Matt found himself nodding a little as he stared at the darkened hex. Five units in that army, three in the previous. Eight units. He himself had triple those numbers, but only because Yiis had surrendered. If not, he would have double those units.
Eight units in a roving army, half again at least in defense. That would place them at least at twelve units total. On the higher end then with all that they had to build if they were a single town. With two towns, they would have more gold production but have to protect a larger space too, just like he did.
“Yeah, okay. Okay, so probably sticking around and making a mess of things.” He let out a long sigh, realizing he likely was going to lose his second village. Nothing he could do about it now. He would’ve had to make a move to reinforce it last turn. And if that had been the case, he would have left himself vulnerable, which would’ve been unacceptable.
“What do we do next?”
Global Status Report
Day 93 (Start of Day)
Pooled Gold: 127.25 (+68 Gold per day)
Total Units: 7 Woodlings, 7 Firecracker Flowers, 2 Saakal, 7 Harpies, 4 Harpy Archers
Cooldown: Burst Production (4/10), Spell Casting (1/7)
Unit Organisation
Town 1: Irvine, 2 Woodlings, 2 Firecracker Flowers
Town 2: 1 Woodling, 1 Firecracker Flower, 2 Saakal
Town 3: 3 Harpies, 2 Harpy Archers, 1 Firecracker Flower
Army 1: Braskar, Lasya, 1 Firecracker Flower, 2 Harpies, 1 Harpy Archer
Army 2: 1 Woodling, 1 Firecracker Flower (awaiting Braskar)
Army 3: 1 Firecracker Flower, 1 Woodling (en-route to Army 1)
Army 6: 1 Woodling (en-route to Army 1 from Village 2)
Army 7: Azimma, 2 Harpies, 1 Harpy Archer
Army 8: Colombia
Village 1: 1 Woodling
Village 2: (Empty)
Town 1 Status Report
In Production: Firecracker Flower (1/5)
Structures Completed: Grove, Road, Stall (II), Ranged Copse, Harbour, Village #2 – Watch Tower, Blacksmith, Fishing Dock, Road to Village #3, Basic Greenhouse (Researching: Ranged Units)
Structures Available: Grove (II), Watch Tower, Tavern, Marketplace, Ranged Copse (II), Stone Harbour, Shipyard, Trading Post, Temple, Blacksmith (Upgrade), Fishing Wharf, Brisk Nursery
Town 2 Status Report
In Production: None
Structures Completed: Den (II), Tavern, Wall, Temple, Stall (II), Running Kennels
Structures Available: Den (III), Javelin Range, Training House, Watch Tower, Blacksmith, Temple (II), Granary
Town 3 Status Report
In Production: Pairing Grounds (16/20), Trading Post (2/6)
Structures Completed: Nest (II), Archery Yard, Stall (II), Marketplace
Structures Available: Nest (III), Archery Yard (II), Blacksmith, Watch Tower, Ancestors Hut, Observatory, Racing Rings, Floating Market
Product Details
Product Details
Release Date:
Pages: 67
Genre: LitRPG Fantasy
eBook ISBN: 9781778552151
Language: English
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About Magic Kingdom at War Volume 6
Crush your enemies and see them fall at their feet
Faced with cavalry and horse archers alike, Matt Fang finds his armies out of position and reeling. He's going to have to pull back, concentrate his forces and pull off some miracle if he doesn't want to be a victim of his latest opponent.
Good thing he's got new allies and even more units to play with. Now, all he needs is the time to get them in place.

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